On Saturday, the Laytonville Mock Trial Team competed in a scrimmage at the Lake County Courthouse to prepare for their upcoming county competition. The team has made a lot of progress since the beginning of the year and coaches Elina Agnoli and Emily Baize are very proud of them! They took on Upper Lake and Middletown high schools for the scrimmage and scored well against them! Freshman Leibel Firks took home an MVP award for his role as defense witness CJ Costly. Prosecution attorney Blake Gamble and prosecution witness Matthew Posey were also honored as MVPs. This year’s mock trial case involves an alleged kidnapping of a candidate in the midst of a hotly-contested city council election, where the winner would cast the deciding vote on whether or not to allow vacation rentals in the small rural community of Emerald Bend. The team will go on to compete in the county competition on Saturday, February 8th.
2 days ago, Breonna Bookout
LHS Mock Trial Students
LHS Mock Trial Students
LHS Mock Trial Students
LHS Mock Trial Students
LHS Mock Trial Students
Congratulations to the Laytonville Middle School Girls B team for taking 3rd in the Round Valley tournament last weekend. Go Warriors! Coach Alyssa said, "We placed third and Mariah received the All Tourney Award! This past weekend the B girls played in a tournament in Covelo. They had a long day, starting with the first game at 9 am. They played Covelo, winning 20-14. They played again at 12 against Point Arena winning 23-20. Our next game was against Middletown at 5pm where we lost but played hard (Middletown took first place in the tournament). We then played Eagle Peak at 7 pm . We lost that one placing us 3rd out of 7 teams. The girls played hard and had fun! It was a great experience but a long day for all, over 11 hours in Covelo." The Laytonville Middle School Boys B team also played in a tournament in Round Valley last weekend. Coach Steven said, “Boys started with a game VS Covelo B. @ 9am losing. Again playing after lunch playing Covelo's C team winning and finally playing Lower Lake with a very close game losing by only a few points in the 4th quarter. After the last game Eli was awarded the All Tourney medal for his performance.”
15 days ago, Breonna Bookout
LES Girls Basketball Team
LES Basketball Trophy
Notice inviting inclusion on the list of qualified bidders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Laytonville Board of Trustees, state of California, has elected to utilize the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures and, according to the terms of Section 22034 of the Public Contract Code, hereby invites all licensed contractors to submit information about their firm to Laytonville Unified School District for inclusion on Laytonville Unified’s list of qualified bidders for the 2025 calendar year. https://5il.co/33i41
about 2 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Please use the following links to view the current basketball schedules. High School Basketball Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n-j-hlXDipK2rAkw3E5hpZyoJdIgmWbQhZ7vQMZtX9Y/edit?usp=sharing Middle School Basketball Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JW-hnY7uwd13KiGd9IwY2GdUSQM-pha0qOqsdqVFQ74/edit?usp=sharing
about 2 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Our food service team knocked it out of the park today with an amazing lunch lineup! Students enjoyed hot, cheesy pizza paired with our fresh and fully-stocked salad bar, featuring crisp veggies, delicious toppings, and dressings for every taste. A big thank you to our incredible food service staff for keeping us fueled and ready to learn!
about 2 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Salad Bar
Communication Reminder for Laytonville Unified Families: As severe weather approaches this season, we want to remind our learning community about how we’ll keep you informed of any changes in schedule or closures occurring in our schools. Notifications will be sent via social media and text messages to families, typically by 6:30 AM on mornings when weather events are forecasted. If no notice is sent by 7 AM, please plan for school as usual. Decisions are made using reliable information from Caltrans, the Fire Department, and other trusted local sources. The safety of our students, families, and staff is always our top priority. We are in constant contact with the Mendocino Office of Education and other county schools to ensure that we have the best information available about weather conditions and if school closure is a viable option. If bus routes are clear, power is available at our sites, and no major flooding has occurred, school will likely remain open. We also understand that weather conditions vary across our region. If your family cannot attend due to weather-related challenges, please contact your school office for support and access to academic resources for your student. Thank you for your understanding as we navigate these situations together. Stay safe!
2 months ago, Bruce Peters
There will be no school on Monday, November 11th, in observance of Veterans Day. Please honor and remember the bravery, sacrifice, and dedication of our veterans. Have a wonderful weekend and happy Veterans Day!
3 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Veteran's Day
Attendance Challenge Update!! A big shoutout to our 4th and 7th graders for rocking attendance for the month of October! These classes had the highest percentages, showing dedication and commitment. Ms. Jacobson's 4th grade class had a 94.90% attendance rate. Ms. Reid's 7th grade class had 92.70% attendance rate. Keep up the great work everyone. Let's see which classes will rise to the top for the month of November!
3 months ago, Priscilla Comer
Attendance Board
Last week our middle and high school students were visited by Sandra Gonzalez Hernandez from Academic Talent Search (ATS). The U.S. Department of Education TRIO Talent Search project serves young people in grades 6 through 12. The purpose is to motivate, inform, and assist low-income, first-generation college-bound students to access and succeed in college. In addition to counseling, participants receive information about college admissions requirements, scholarships and various student financial aid programs. If admitted to the program some of the services are: Individual & Group Advising Financial Aid Workshops SAT/ACT Workshops / Waivers College Application Fee Waivers College Application Assistance Campus Tours & Field Trips Summer Programs Family Workshops If you are interested in having your student apply to the program please ask students for their physical copy, or find one online here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wwOGnwaaEVq2gHbfK_YpIvKjOSWpZrDM/view?usp=sharing If you would like to view slides from the presentation for more information, you can do that here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13cJ2xvKpGmbtRp8KNH6YHgO2vMYSOHHY/view?usp=sharing Once applications are completed they need to be turned into the high school academic counselor, Emily Baize, by dropping them off in the either elementary or high school office and asking applications to be given to Emily. You can also email completed applications to her email address: emilybaize@lhms.us Emily will need to attach their grade report and send them off to Sandra. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Emily or Sandra! Sandra is also fluent in Spanish for anyone who needs information in Spanish. You can reach her at (707) 664-3873 or her email gonzalezhs@sonoma.edu.
3 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Last Chance: Day 2 of Laytonville High School Parent Teacher Conferences Day 2 of Parent Teacher Conferences will be held today, Wednesday, November 6th from 4-6pm. Conferences will be held in the LHS library and snacks will be provided by the LHS culinary arts classes. Instructors present today, Wednesday 4-6pm: Math, English, Science, History/Social Science, Culinary Arts, Independent Studies/Credit Recovery, and at 5:30; PE/Health, and Welding.
3 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Laytonville Elementary had its annual Halloween ghost walk. The students brought so much joy, laughter and a little bit of spooky fun to our campus.
3 months ago, Priscilla Comer
Ghost walk
Ghost walk
ghost walk
ghost walk
A friendly reminder to Laytonville Families, there is no school tomorrow, November 1st. Have a happy and safe Halloween! Un recordatorio amistoso para las familias de Laytonville: manana, 1 de noviembre, no habra clases. Que tengas un feliz y seguro Halloween!
3 months ago, Breonna Bookout
LUSD Families! Our LHS Varsity Volleyball team has qualified for the NCS Playoffs! We will be hosting a game in the LHS gym on Wednesday, October 30th at 7 PM. Tickets must be purchased through the GoFan website. The link to tickets is available here: https://gofan.co/event/2116377?schoolId=CA22952 Come support our Warriors!
3 months ago, Bruce Peters
Hello LUSD Families. Unfortunately we are still without internet at both schools today. We have been told that the problem could be solved soon, but currently we are unable to take calls in our offices. Thank you for your understanding.
3 months ago, Bruce Peters
Today the Laytonville High School Title 6 students and the Native American Club visited a Native Art Exhibit in the town of Mendocino. There was native art, music, and presenters. Students were able to listen to the runner up for Miss Indian World, Arella Rose. There was a Missing Murdered Indigenous Women exhibit among others. Afterwards students stopped at MacKerricher Park and ate lunch, it was a beautiful day.
3 months ago, Tim Henry
Students eating lunch at  MacKerricher Park
Khadijah Britton
Art at the Mendocino Art Center
Last week the Laytonville Middle School Native American Club took a field trip to Spy Rock School and the Spy Rock Petroglyphs. The students had a great time visiting the one room school house, and enjoyed a game of pond monster amongst the cattails. The students were also able to visit and examine the amazing petroglyphs and hypothesized about what they meant and what could be done to save them from the slow destruction that has been occurring.
3 months ago, Tim Henry
pond monster
Middle school Native American club at the Spy Rock Petroglyphs
Students at Spy Rock School
We would like to give a big shout out to our amazing Volunteer Fire Department along with the Laytonville High School fire class and our Transportation Department! Today they teamed up with our elementary school to help teach bus evacuation safety. Our students learned important skills to stay safe in case of an emergency!
3 months ago, Priscilla Comer
Bus evacuation
Bus evacuation
bus evacuation
Bus evacuation
Don't forget to mention Laytonville Unified when you shop at Ukiah Natural Foods Co-Op this week for Give Back to Schools Week!
3 months ago, Breonna Bookout
Ukiah Co-Op Flyer
Ukiah Co-Op Flyer
Ukiah Co-Op Flyer
Our attendance board is up and active! Every month is an opportunity for a class to get the highest attendance percentage and earn a reward! Lets give a big shout out to our attendance superstars! For the LES we have Ms. KB's 1st grade class with a 95.58% attendance rate for the months of August-September. They will celebrate with an ice cream party this week. For the LMS we have Ms. Joni's 6th grade class with a 94.11% attendance rate for the months of August-September. This class will get chocolate milk with their lunch! Their dedication sets a fantastic example for the rest of the school community. Let's continue striving for stellar attendance across all grades. Remember every day in school is an opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed!
4 months ago, Priscilla Comer
Attendance Board
Please come support our Warriors at our Laytonville High School Homecoming events next week!
5 months ago, Breonna Bookout
LHS Homecoming Events Poster